Assembly Accredited Lay Preachers’ course
This course provides an exciting opportunity to deepen your faith through theological reflection, personal development and biblical study. We aim to help you develop your vocation as a Lay Preacher as well as your preaching and worship leading skills. Successful completion of the course leads to Assembly Accreditation as a Lay Preacher. If you’re interested in joining the next cohort, starting in September 2025, and want more information please contact us or speak to your Synod training officer (or similar post-holder) to register your interest.
Annual Envisioning Worship Conference
Our annual Envisioning Worship Conference is open to everyone. Those who are experienced preachers and worship leaders, as well as those who are new to this vocation or simply interested in the topic. Our conferences are designed to enable participants to engage with contemporary scholarship and apply it to their context. In July 2024 we look at the theme of ‘We Have a Dream’. See our events page for further information.

Supporting training in Synods and local churches
Synods and local churches already offer training opportunities through Pastorates, Team Ministries, Pastoral Care Groups, Area or Missional Partnerships. However, sometimes we can help out and support this training as an extra pair of hands. For example; leading Bible Studies, Worship Basics courses, training in conducting funerals and weddings, and presiding at the Sacraments training. Please contact us for more information.
Other Training Opportunities
There are other ways you can access training at Northern College. We offer on-site block weekends and individual sessions that you can join in with. These opportunities can help people in local churches to develop skills in areas such as pastoral care, preaching, theological reflection and leadership. Previous sessions have included: Developing your use of music and hymns in worship; Reformed Spirituality; and Developing your understanding of the Bible. Contact us for more information.